之前不了解永恒族,还以为他们有着开挂一般的战斗力,结果看了正片之后感觉他们单挑的话可能都不是惊奇队长的对手?—— 开头听到 Pink Floyd - Time 惊喜一下,然后,Skeeter Davis - The End of the World 已经不知道被多少部电影当插曲了,印象中次数能与之有一拼的应该是 Louis Armstrong - What A Wonderful World 了?
The movie I watched on 2018 New year's Eve's morning lol. 小时候看过的片段到现在终于连了起来 很童话 看到colin firth演的这么darcy少女心泛滥. fight那段笑死了 so British. 2020 edit: Darcy is this amazing inarticulate charming honest guy from B’s perspective but did anyone ever thought of Natasha?