Lauren x Camila,剧中名字都不换,BGM也用了真Lauren的expectations和卡妹的Havana 。粉Camren粉的很直接(手动滑稽)。可能因为stripper的人物设定,整部剧的画风都超级欲。其他的就都很basic,适合姬片慌的时候看看消磨时间(顺便还能品品角色们的颜值)
始于为爱失去自由,终于为自由失去爱。结尾很美,湿着眼眶看完,黑屏后大家纷纷鼓起了掌。Hans和Viktor这对果然特别上头。导演总结得好:"I repeatedly met people who felt the need to define Hans and Viktor's relationship. But is that really important? Do we need a category for everything? They share something deep and meet in their longing for love and freedom. A longing that, however strong the oppression, will always find a way in my opinion."
Ja'Siah Young,迈克尔·B·乔丹,贾兹敏·西蒙,罗姆·弗林,阿丽莎·温赖特,Gavin Munn,Sammi Haney,阿丽·安,特雷西·邦纳,乔希·文图拉,Skyler Elyse Philpot,格里芬·罗伯特·福克纳,Michael Anthony,Emily Dunlop,Scott Daniel Johnson