今天重温了一遍~ It is with passion, courage of conviction and strong sense of self that we take our next steps into the world. Remembering that first impressions are not always correct, you must always have faith in people, and most importantly, you must always have faith in yourself.
完成kpi的下一步是成为宇航员或女权人士或忍者,用绘画夺取灵魂曾经我也在湖边努力把鸭子喂肥,将所有规则熟练后相聚一刻打破所有规则,用色彩对比突出和掩盖个人的神秘……除了插入了两段独立电影惯用民谣很杀风景外,这部 Adam Green 和男主共同执导出道的 mumblegore 有点可爱,无论台词和演员都颇为出彩