《Only You 只有您》是由王心慰执导,李司棋,蒙嘉慧,郑嘉颖,田蕊妮,唐诗咏,麦长青,楊秀惠主演的一部港剧。主要讲述了:天生好胜的麦一敏(蒙嘉慧 饰)被公司裁员后,无意中发现“结婚时专门侍候新娘”这个行业工作简单兼收入可观,便一心向金牌大妗姐庄思甜(李司棋 饰)拜师学艺,为人执着的思甜看穿一敏的动机,当然将她拒诸门
…Blood still marked the hood like little streamers of black lace running towards the windshield wiper gutters. Bloody flecks were spattered across the seat and steering wheel. And the instrument panel was buckled inwards, cracking the clock and speedometer dials. …And there was dust and glass and plastic flakes everywhere inside.