《我的英雄学院 OVA》是由长崎健司执导,山下大辉,三宅健太,冈本信彦,石川界人,佐仓绫音,悠木碧,广桥凉,细谷佳正,井上麻里奈主演的一部日韩动漫。主要讲述了:堀越耕平创作的漫画《我的英雄学院》将于6月2日发售附带OAD动画的漫画单行本第14卷。新作OAD定名为《Training of the Dead 死亡训练 》,该动画由原作者堀越耕平亲自负责故事原
4.5/5 Based on Carl Sagan's novel of the same name, it is an inspiring film about the exploration of the unknown, which is the eternal theme of the progress of humanity. Also inspired Nolan's Interstellar (2014). The determination of space exploration despite obstacles ahead is the same in these two films. In Interstellar, the drive is more understandable as the space voyage harbours hope for saving mankind. In Contact, the motivation is seeking answers to big questions and the scientific truth. Exceptionally played by Jodie Foster, the brilliant and strong-minded female protagonist is a firm-believer and pursuer of science.