Johnny is the human equivalent of indigestion, a protagonist as bitter as they come.He bites on everybody, from his old girlfriend, Louise to her stoner roommate Sophie. Caustic and clever, he throws words a poison darts, and any nearby target will do, as long as it's breathing.
❶阿拉斯加令人叹为观止的风光、有惊有险的传奇冒险; ❷冰面上《亨利五世》的气度与《龟虽寿》有异曲同工之妙;❸前有美队拽飞机,今有東鄉拖冰面,迪士尼的承继; ❹"Fox is the best dog left?"迪士尼的保留剧目;❺人类不是不该赋予狗情感,而是不必,狗如東鄉,拥有简单纯粹的表达——“不知死活”地奔跑,志在千里、更在身后,不为雪橇而活,而是主人。