The plot is quite meaningful. I'm really interested in action scenes. I'm also impressed by the performance of all actors and actresses. Most of them seem to be quite young but the acting is quite impressive and attractive. As an international fan of Chiness costume dramas, I hope that there will be more and more amazing films like this.
生活就像是潺潺流水,纵使突落巨石激起水花,还是照旧向前奔流而去。——《如父如子》俨如一出精致生活电影版《变形记》,孩子被“交换”后,生活发生巨大的改变,于谁都无法快速的适应,好在两个家庭的成员都算比较有素养,才让整个故事温情十足。附注:我说字幕怎么看着有些奇怪?对照下片名,原来是港版!-2014.05.08 —— 2017.04.20 北京 耀莱成龙国际影城-五棵松店 → To 苏打粉:到耀莱+五棵松,你帮我抢的《如父如子》位置很棒,感谢!另外,一直想说:我们见面的那天晚上看《怒》时,里面的配乐出现苏打绿-《相信》后面采用的巴赫平均律第一首《C大调前奏曲与赋格》!真巧的惊喜!……《怒》高清已出,你有时间感兴趣的话,可以找来看一下![抱拳]